

Charming Scoundrels

August 13th, 2012

Alex Riggs

Best in Class Archive

            Hello, and welcome to Thief Week here at Necromancers of the Northwest. We are celebrating the release of our latest product, Character Guide: The Gentleman Thief with an entire week of thief-related content, and it’s starting here with a pair of thief-related archetypes, one for bards, and another for rogues.



New Bard Archetype
The Con-Man

            Short for “confidence man,” con-men employ various schemes and tricks to charm or beguile their marks into willingly taking them in and giving up their deepest secrets and most valuable possessions, never imagining that this most trusted and charming individual could possibly do them harm. Although some con-men ply their trade without ever technically committing a crime, the way that they prey on the trusting and vulnerable makes them one of the most hated of all thieves. Of course, some con-men reserve their predations for those they feel deserve it, tricking tricksters and outwitting crime lords and tyrants into giving up everything.

            Trustworthy (Ex): Though con-men are in no way actually trustworthy, all successful con-men are able to project an air of confidence and sincerity that causes others to trust him implicitly. A con-man adds half his class level (minimum 1) to all Bluff skill checks. This ability replaces bardic knowledge.

            Disguise Spellcasting (Ex): Con-men can use spellcasting in a variety of clever ways to help manipulate their marks, but it is much more effective if they can cast their spells without anyone being aware that they’re doing so. As a full-round action, a con-man can expend three rounds of his bardic performance ability in order to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 full round or less, without appearing to have done so. The con-man makes a Perform check, opposed by the Perception checks of anyone viewing him. Any observer whose Perception check exceeds the con-man’s Perform check can detect the casting of the spell, but anyone else cannot tell that the con-man cast a spell at all. If the spell has visible effects that make it obvious who cast it (such as burning hands), clever observers may come to the conclusion that a spell was cast, anyway.

            This ability replaces countersong and distraction.

            Liar’s Recognition (Ex): At 2nd level, a con-man is well-versed enough in his trade to know when others are using the same sorts of tricks he does. The con-main gains a +4 bonus on opposed Perception checks made to see through disguises or observe sleight of hand, as well as a +4 bonus on opposed Sense Motive checks made to detect lies.

            This ability replaces well-versed.



New Rogue Archetype
Thief of Hearts

            These dashing and debonair rogues may steal gold, jewels, and other material possessions to support their lavish lifestyle, or just for the thrill of the deed, but their real focus is on another, less tangible prize: the hearts and bodies of various beautiful women (or, in some cases, men).

            Suave (Ex): A thief of hearts adds 1/2 his rogue level to Diplomacy checks made to influence the attitude of or request favors from characters that would normally be attracted to individuals of his race and gender. This ability replaces trapfinding.

            Slow Fall (Ex): Because a thief of hearts often has to leave through bedroom windows in a hurry, he becomes very proficient at surviving long falls. At 3rd level or higher, a thief of hearts within arm’s reach of a wall can use it to slow his descent. When first gaining the ability, he takes damage as if the fall were 20 ft. shorter than it actually is. At 6th level, and every three levels thereafter, he takes damage as though the fall were an additional 10 ft. shorter (30 ft. at 6th level, 40 ft. at 9th level, and so on). At 20th level, the thief of hearts can use a nearby wall to slow his descent and fall any distance without harm. This ability replaces trap sense.

            Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents complement the thief of hearts archetype. Rogue talents denoted with APG can be found in the Advanced Player’s Guide, while those denoted with UC can be found in Ultimate Combat. The list of complementary talents includes: charmer (APG), coax information (APG), convincing lie (UM), finesse rogue, getaway artist (UM), honeyed words (APG), and ledge walker.

            Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue talents complement the thief of hearts archetype. Advanced rogue talents denoted with APG can be found in the Advanced Player’s Guide, while those denoted with UC can be found in Ultimate Combat. The list of complementary talents includes: another day (APG), getaway master (UM), improved evasion, skill mastery, and slippery mind.