Welcome to Extraordinary Feats. It’s not Werewolf Week any longer, but I promised you new werewolf feats this week nonetheless, and here they are. Enjoy.
Ferocious Transformation (Werewolf)
Transforming from man to beast unleashes your inner potential, allowing you to go wild on your enemies.
Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, any three additional werewolf feats.
Benefit: Whenever you transform with the Curse of the Beast feat, you gain a +4 morale bonus to your Strength score for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the number of werewolf feats you possess (rounded down).
Healing Transformation (Werewolf)
As your body transforms from man to beast, your wounds knit together, and your flesh is mended.
Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, character level 4th.
Benefit: Whenever you transform with the Curse of the Beast feat, you heal a number of hit points equal to your Hit Dice. Additionally, if you are currently affected by the nauseated or sickened conditions when you transform, you may make a new saving throw to end that effect (the DC is the same as the initial DC to resist being nauseated or sickened. If no saving throw was allowed to resist the condition, this ability does not apply).
Improved Silver Fang (Werewolf)
Your fangs are able to pierce even magically-protected defenses.
Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, Silver Fang, character level 8th.
Benefit: When transformed with the Curse of the Beast feat, your natural attacks are able to overcome more forms of damage reduction. In addition to being treated as magic and silver, they also overcome any damage reduction that would be overcome by a weapon whose enhancement bonus is equal to 1/3 your hit dice, rounded down. (For example, a werewolf with 12 hit dice could overcome any damage reduction that could be overcome by a weapon with a +4 enhancement bonus, such as DR/adamantine).
Swift Transformation (Werewolf)
You can transform more quickly.
Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast.
Benefit: You can perform a willing transformation with the Curse of the Beast feat as a swift action, rather than a move action. Additionally, because you can transform so quickly, whenever you transform, you can make a Sleight of Hand check opposed by the Perception checks of each creature that can see you. For each creature whose Perception check you beat with your Sleight of Hand check, that creature does not see you transform. This does not prevent clever characters from concluding that you transformed into a wolf rather than disappearing at the same time that a wolf appeared, but it does mean that they can’t say for certain that they saw you transform.
Terrifying Transformation (Werewolf)
As your body transitions from man to beast, the interim phases are horrible and grotesque to look upon, frightening those who watch you transform.
Prerequisite: Curse of the Beast, character level 6th.
Benefit: Whenever you transform with the Curse of the Beast feat, you may choose to make it a terrifying transformation. If you do, then each creature that can see you transform must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier) or be shaken for a number of rounds equal to the number of werewolf feats you possess (rounded down). Creatures that fail their saving throw by 10 or more are also nauseated for this duration, as well.