

What Do You Wand?

November 26th, 2013

Alex Riggs

Extraordinary Feats Archive

                This week’s Extraordinary Feats is all about wands, and the special techniques that their wielders can use in combat…provided that they have the right feats, anyway.



Opportunistic Wand
You can make attacks of opportunity with a held wand.
Prerequisite: Wand Parry.
Benefits: You can make attacks of opportunity with a held wand. Whenever you make such an attack of opportunity, you must make a melee touch attack to hit the target. If the attack hits, and the spell that the wand allows you to cast has a single target and a casting time of 1 standard action or less, then you may choose to cast the spell from the wand as a free action, targeting the creature you hit. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but does expend the normal number of charges from the wand. If you choose not to cast the spell in this way, the attack of opportunity has no effect.


Rapid Wand Mastery
You can fire a spell from a wand twice in rapid succession.
Prerequisites: Use Magic Device 11 ranks.
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can activate a single wand twice, effectively allowing you to cast the spell stored in the wand two separate times. You can choose different targets for the spells, as appropriate. Activating this ability expends one additional charge from the wand, in addition to the number of charges required to activate it twice.


Wand Adept
You know how to get the most out of a spell cast from a wand.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells, or Use Magic Device 5 ranks.
Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell from a wand, increase the spell’s caster level by 2, up to a maximum amount equal to your Hit Dice. If you are able to cast 5th-level spells, or have 10 or more ranks in Use Magic Device, then increase the spell’s caster level by 4, instead (it still cannot exceed your Hit Dice).


Wand Master
When you cast a spell from a wand, it’s almost as effective as if you cast it yourself.
Prerequisite: Wand Adept.
Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell from a wand, it uses your primary spellcasting ability score modifier, rather than the minimum possible primary spellcasting ability score modifier required to cast the spell. This applies to all aspects of the spell, including its saving throw DC (if any). If you are not a spellcaster, and activate the wand using Use Magic Device, or similar, you use your Charisma modifier as your primary spellcasting ability score modifier for this purpose.


Wand Parry
You can use your wand as a weapon.
Benefit: As long as you are holding a wand, you count as wielding a weapon for the purposes of providing allies with flanking. Additionally, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC. Finally, you can draw on the wand’s power in order to allow it to deflect incoming attacks for you. As a move action, you can expend a charge from the wand in order to increase this shield bonus to +4 until the beginning of your next turn.