Welcome to Foursaken Feature. Three weeks ago I helped bring the bariaur race into 4th edition by creating four new monster stat blocks. I enjoyed making those bariaurs so much, so I thought I would make four more bariaurs to help round out the ones I have already made.
Bariaur acolytes are mystics and shamans in training. They have yet to learn how to harness their own innate magical abilities.
Bariaur mystics, in addition to serving as religious advisors alongside the bariaur shamans, also serve as magical artillery in times of war.
Bariaur plainsrunners serve as the flock’s outriders and scouts. They are quite skilled with the longbows they carry.
Being exiled from one’s flock is a fate worse than death and is reserved as the highest level of punishment. Bariaur exiles have committed acts which are directly harmful to the flock and warrant more than just being shunned by the rest of the flock. The exiles’ time alone has made them stronger and bitter toward the world.