Welcome again to From the Workshop, where we showcase a bevy of new magic items, monsters and even alternate class features. In honor of undead week, I dug up some undead grafts for just such an occasion. I found two incorporeal grafts, two vampiric grafts, and skeletal grafts.
Banshee’s Tongue Price: 60,000 gp
Once per day, a creature with this tongue can release a terrible banshee's wail. All creatures in a 30-ft cone must make a DC 25 Fortitude save; if they fail, they are shaken for 1d4+1 rounds; if they fail by 5 or more they are instead frightened for 2d4 rounds; if they fail by 10 or more they are instead panicked for 3d4 rounds; if they fail by 15 or more they instead die. This wail is a supernatural ability and can penetrate the effect of any 3rd or lower-level spell that creates magical silence. This is a sonic death effect.
The tongue makes the user's voice shrill and disquieting for even normal speech, however, and imposes a -5 penalty on all Charisma-based skills that involve speech or other sound (such as Bluff, Diplomacy, Perform (singing) and Perform (wind instruments).
Bone Plating Price: 30,000 gp
The bones of countless skeletons are grafted over the creature’s existing skin; this grants the grafted creature DR 5/bludgeoning.
Ectoplasmic Skin Price: 6,000 gp
This graft is made of the flayed skin of a ghost, a process that is unpleasant for all involved. Grafted over the creature’s existing skin, it allows the grafted creature’s natural armor bonus to count against incorporeal touch attacks.
Lich’s Heart Price: 125,000 gp
This isn’t actually the heart of a lich, but a modified phylactery which replaces the grafted creature’s heart, causing a permanent lose of 2 points of constitution. The lich’s heart grants the grafted creature the rejuvenation ability of liches, they reform around the lich’s heart. The process turning a lich’s phylactery in to a lich’s heart completely and utterly destroys the lich.
Nosferatu Arm Price: 40,000 gp
The grafted creature gains a slam attack which deals damage as a zombie of its size. This attack can be used to infect those you hit with one of three nosferatu plaguelord diseases, chosen at the item’s creation. Blinding sickness is DC 16, bubonic plague is DC 17, and red ache is DC 15. The victim has the same percent of rising as an uncontrolled undead as is normal for the type of plaguelord disease. You can find the plaguelord diseases in Liber Vampyr (available for download here).
Revenant Fangs Price: 5,000 gp
The fangs of a revenant replace two appropriate teeth of the grafted creature; they allow the grafted creature to drain blood just like a revenant. If you don’t have a blood point pool then you do not receive any blood points. If you have the Sanguine Aspirant feat, you now qualify for feats requiring the revenant Vampire Bite special attack.