

Races with Class: The Lillend

May 6th, 2011

Alex Riggs

From the Workshop Archive 

            Welcome to another exciting From the Workshop. As it’s Azata Week, I thought I would take the opportunity to bridge the gap between players and azatas by making everyone’s favorite chaotic good outsiders a little more accessible to your average player. Without further ado, here’s Races With Class: The Lillend.


            Natives of the chaotic-good plane of Elysium, lillends are outsiders who are great lovers of art and beauty. Their upper body is typically that of a beautiful humanoid (most often female) but their lower body is long and legless, like that of a snake, and covered with myriad beautiful scales. They are known far and wide for both their beauty and their love of art, and often serve as muses or patrons to artists they take a liking to.

Role: Lillends typically serve primarily as support, usually avoiding direct fighting and using their bardic music and spellcasting abilities to inspire greatness in their allies. That said, their tails do make for powerful weapons, and when their friends are in danger few lillends will shy away from entering into real combat.

Hit Die: d10
Starting Gold: 3d6 x 10 gp

The Lillend

Class Skills:
The lillend’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis).
Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Int Modifier.

Class Features:
The following are class features of the lillend.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Lillends are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, but not with any kind of armor or shield.

Azata Heritage: Native to the realm of Elysium, azatas are creatures of both chaos and good, and these concepts are a major part of whom and what they are. As an azata, a lillend has the chaotic and good subtypes. When not on Elysium, they also have the extraplanar subtype. Additionally, all lillends are treated as azatas for the purposes of spells or effects which specifically refer to creatures of the azata subtype.

Bardic Performance: A lillend has the bardic performance abilities of a bard whose bard level is equal to her lillend hit dice (not her lillend class level, or total hit dice). This applies to rounds of bardic performance per day, as well as any special uses of bardic performance, such as fascinate, inspire courage, inspire performance, etc. If the lillend later takes levels in bard, the bardic performance ability granted by the lillend class stacks with that of the bard class. For more information on bardic performance, see the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

Serpentine Body (Ex): Because the lower half of the lillend's body is a serpentine tail, her movement speed is reduced to 20 ft., but she cannot be tripped by any means.

Spellcasting: A lillend casts spells as though she were a bard whose class level was equal to her lillend hit dice (not her lillend class level, or total hit dice). If the lillend later takes levels in bard, the spellcasting ability granted by the lillend class stacks with spellcasting from the bard class. For more information on bards and spellcasting, see the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

Spells Known

Ability Score Bonuses: Beginning at 1st level, lillends gain a number of racial bonuses to their ability scores, as marked on Table: the Lillend. By 10th level, a lillend will have total racial bonuses equal to +8 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +6 Intelligence, +6 Wisdom, and +6 Charisma.

Natural Armor: As she grows in experience, the scales on a lillend's lower body harden and offer more protection. Depending on the lillend, this can take the form of patches of exceptionally thick and rough scales, or can be a more subtle, sleek effect, with myriad fine scales giving her skin a glossy, shiny appearance which may even extend over the rest of her body. A lillend’s natural armor bonus increases as indicated on Table: the Lillend.

Elysian Survival (Ex): At 2nd level, a lillend becomes more proficient at taking care of itself in the wild, an important skill in a plane like Elysium, where both nature and freedom are paramount values. The lillend gains a +4 racial bonus on all Survival skill checks she makes.

Snake Tail (Ex): At 2nd level, a lillend is able to use her serpentine lower body as a weapon. She gains a natural tail slap attack which deals 1d8 + Strength modifier damage with a successful hit. When the lillend becomes Large at 9th level, this damage increases to 2d6 + Strength modifier. For more information on natural attacks, see the Pathfinder Bestiary.

Poet's Tongue (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, a lillend gains an innate ability to communicate with other creatures. Firstly, she gains the truespeech special quality (see the Pathfinder Bestiary for more details). Secondly, she can use speak with plants and speak with animals each as a spell-like ability once per day.

Lillend Resistances (Ex): At 4th level, a lillend gains a number of resistances. She gains resistance 10 to electricity, and resistance 5 to cold and fire. Additionally, she gains a +4 racial bonus on saving throws to resist petrification or poisons.

Songs of the Sky (Sp): At 5th level, the lillend gains access to a number of spell-like abilities. She can cast the spells darkness and light as spell-like abilities each three times per day.

Flight (Ex): At 6th level, the lillend's wings are strong enough to support her in flight. She gains a fly speed of 40 ft. At 9th level, when the lillend's size increases to large, her fly speed increases to 70 ft.

Muse's Charm (Sp): Beginning at 7th level, the lillend can cast charm person as a spell-like ability once per day.

Lillend Immunities (Ex): At 8th level, a lillend's resistances grow stronger. She is now immune to electricity, as well as all poisons and petrification effects. Her resistance to cold and fire increase as well, from 5 to 10.

Songs of the Earth (Sp): At 8th level, the lillend gains access to a number of spell-like abilities. She can cast the spells hallucinatory terrain and knock as spell-like abilities each three times per day.

Constricting Tail (Ex): At 9th level, the lillend is able to constrict with her tail. She gains a constrict natural attack which deals the same damage as her tail slap, and her tail slap gains the grab special ability. For more information on constrict and grab, see the Pathfinder Bestiary.

Large Size (Ex): At 9th level, a lillend grows to Large size. This increases her space to 10 feet and her reach to 10 feet. She gains a +8 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, +2 natural armor (this increase to natural armor is in addition to those listed on Table: the Lillend), and a +1 bonus to her CMB and CMD. She also takes a -2 penalty to Dexterity, a -1 size penalty to attack rolls and AC, a -2 penalty to Fly checks, and a -4 penalty to Stealth checks.

Lillend Ascension: Once a lillend reaches 10th level, she has unlocked enough of her inner potential to be able to pursue other interests, if she so chooses. A 10th-level lillend may freely multi-class into other classes, and can return to the lillend class later without penalty. Characters with more than 10 levels in lillend represent paragons of the lillend race, who, whether through hard work or an accident of birth, possess abilities in excess of most of their kind.

Aurasight (Su): Beginning at 11th level, a lillend's empathic and artistic nature allows her to tune in to the auras of other creatures, viewing them as hazy auras of color which swirl in patterns unique to the creature's soul and personality. The lillend must activate this ability with a standard action, after which she must spend a move action each round to maintain it. Each round, she may immediately discern the aura of a single creature or object, learning its exact alignment, its level, the highest level spell or spell-like ability it can cast (if any), and whether or not it is the subject of an active spell or magic item. If it is the subject of a spell or magic item, the lillend may make a Spellcraft check with the normal DC in order to identify the effect.

            Even though the ability reveals alignment and level, the lillend does not necessarily grasp these concepts, so might view a demon's aura as "a powerful evil," even if the player is told it is a CR 20 chaotic evil balor. Not all lillends perceive auras visually, either: some hear music or noise which describes the aura, others may even smell or taste a character's aura. Lillends who do see or hear auras often paint or sing beautiful auras that they have seen.

Change Shape (Sp): At 12th level, the lillend is able to take on the shape of any humanoid of medium size. This functions as the spell alter self, except that the effect lasts indefinitely.

Illusion Artist (Ex): At 13th level, the lillend's artistic soul grants it the ability to make exceptionally powerful illusions. Whenever the lillend casts a spell of the illusion school, she may make a Perform check (it doesn't matter exactly what kind of performance it is) with a DC of 15 + twice the spell's level. If the check succeeds, the DC to disbelieve the spell is increased by +2.

Inspiration (Su): Beginning at 14th level, a lillend can choose an intelligent creature to inspire and serve as a muse by giving that creature some token of her affection (typically a lock of her hair). As long as the lillend retains her favor for this creature and as long as the creature carries the lillend's token, the creature gains a +4 insight bonus on all Will saving throws, Craft checks, and Perform checks. If the lillend chooses to serve as muse for a bard, she may also bestow some of her bardic spellcasting or performance abilities to the bard: by giving up some number of her daily rounds of bardic performance, she can grant the bard that many additional rounds, and by giving up some number of spells per day, she may grant that many spells of that level to the bard (for example, a lillend might grant a bard six rounds of bardic performance, and three 3rd-level bard spells. If she does, she loses access to three 3rd-level spell slots each day, as well as six rounds of bardic performance, as long as she continues to serve as his muse, and for 24 hours thereafter).

            The lillend retains a link to her token and its carrier as if she had cast a status spell on the carrier. The lillend can end this effect at any time as a free action. A single lillend may only inspire one creature at a time in this manner.

Spirit Sight (Su): At 15th level, a lillend's artistic soul allows it to view spirits. This ability requires a standard action to activate, and a move action each round to maintain, and the lillend may use it for a total number of rounds each day equal to her Charisma modifier times her class level. While using the ability, she can see creatures on the ethereal plane as though they were on the material plane. Additionally, she can sense the life force of nearby creatures, including whether they are alive, undead, or neither, and the relative strength of their life force (based on what percentage of their maximum hit points are remaining, ranging from "very weak" to "strong").

Snake Form (Sp): At 16th level, a lillend gains the ability to transform into a giant, winged snake. This functions as the spell beast shape III, except the lillend can only transform into snake-like creatures, and regardless of what creature she transforms into she retains a fly speed equal to twice her land speed or her normal fly speed, whichever is less.

Sculptor's Touch (Sp): At 17th level, the lillend is able to magically sculpt and shape the world around her, making art everywhere she goes. She can use the spell-like abilities stone shape and fabricate each three times per day.

Greater Inspiration (Ex): At 18th level, the lillend is able to inspire even greater competence in those she chooses to serve as a muse. The bonuses she grants to Craft and Perform checks are now equal to her Charisma modifier, instead of just +4. Additionally, the lillend can serve as muse to multiple creatures at one time, to a maximum of one creature per four class levels she possesses.

Truesight (Su): At 19th level, the lillend gains the ability to see through all illusions and deceptions and see the world as it truly is, laying bare its natural beauty. Activating this ability is a standard action which provokes attacks of opportunity, and she must spend a move action each round to maintain the ability. While using her truesight, the lillend gains all the benefits of the truesight spell. The lillend can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to her class level.

Song Form (Su): At 20th level, the lillend is able to transform herself into pure music. While transformed in this way, she is treated as though under the effects of the spell wind walk, except that she may still cast bard spells (but not spells granted from other classes, such as sorcerer or wizard), and use her bardic performance. The other restrictions of wind walk apply, meaning that she cannot make physical attacks while in song form. Finally, while in song form, her use of bardic performance does not count against the number of rounds of bardic performance she may use each day, allowing her to use the ability indefinitely.

            Switching between song form and physical form is a full-round action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The lillend can assume song form a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier, and remains transformed for one minute per class level.

            That’s all for this week. Hope you’ve enjoyed Azata week.