Greetings everyone, and welcome to another exciting addition of Magic Market, where we strive to bring you new and useful magic items to inject into your campaign. Whether you like beating your foes to a bloody pulp, or prefer to best them via subtleties of wit, we have something for you! I sometimes find my characters with an abundance of money and nothing to buy with it. What do you get for the adventurer with everything? Personally, I love interesting and unique equipment that you will remember. With that in mind, I give you some odds and ends to fill out your repertoire.
Earmuffs of True Silence
These earmuffs appear to be wool earmuffs, except for the small “Shh,” inlaid in silver on the inside of each muff. While worn, the earmuffs of true silence shroud the wearer in magical silence, as the spell silence, except that the effect only fills the wearer’s square. The wearer does not get a saving throw to resist this effect, though he can remove the earmuffs at any time to end the effect.
When the earmuffs are removed, the wearer is sickened while he re-adjusts to the sensations of normal sound. During this time, the wearer is vulnerable to sonic damage, taking half again as much sonic damage (150%) as he normally would. These effects last for 1d6 minutes or half the amount of time that the earmuffs were worn, whichever is less.
Great Magnet
This metal magnet looks similar to a horseshoe, except that it is much larger—about 4 feet long, and its tips are painted red and blue. A great magnet has 4 separate command words that trigger various actions: disarm, pin, stick, unshield, or release. The user can activate the great magnet up to 3 times per day to achieve any of these effects. Activating the great magnet is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The great magnet can only adhere to a single object at a time, and cannot be used to adhere two objects together. Activating the great magnet while it is still attached to an object causes it to lose its previous attachment in favor of the new command.
Disarm: The great magnet flies through the air and attaches to a metal weapon that you specify that is within 30 feet, rendering it almost useless. The creature wielding the weapon suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage with the weapon. Regardless of the weapon’s normal statistics, as long as a great magnet is attached to it, all damage it deals is bludgeoning damage, and it either deals 1d6 points of damage on a successful hit, or its normal amount, whichever is less. Finally, the weapon’s critical multiplier is reduced to x2 and it only threatens a critical hit on a natural 20. These penalties persist until the great magnet is removed.
Pin: The great magnet can be used to hold an opponent fast against a metal wall or other flat surface. If the target is not adjacent to a flat metal surface, this ability has no effect. The wielder must make a combat maneuver check against the target’s CMD, as the magnet flies through the air to pin the target in place. Success means the target is pinned, except that he is not able to attempt to escape through a combat maneuver check, and the DC to escape with an Escape Artist check is 25. The target remains pinned until he escapes or until the great magnet is removed.
Stick: The great magnet sticks fast to a metal surface. The great magnet can hold up to 8,000 lbs. before falling from its place.
Unshield: The great magnet flies through the air and attaches to a single metal shield within 30 feet, rendering it useless. The target does not gain the benefit of the shield bonus of the affected shield, and is unable to make a shield bash attack with that shield. Additionally, the armor check penalty of the shield is increased by -2, and the arcane spell failure chance is increased by 20%. These penalties persist until the great magnet is removed.
Release: The great magnet automatically releases from whatever it is stuck to, falling to the ground. Unless this ability is used, removing the great magnet is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity and requires a successful DC 25 Strength check. Regardless of how it is removed, a great magnet that is removed from an item ceases to be magnetized until it is activated again.
Hand Mirror of Splendid Beauty
This beautiful silver hand mirror is decorated with gold scrollwork, inlaid around the face and down the handle. The back of the mirror is encrusted with precious stones in the likeness of a lily. Anyonegazing into this mirror is caught in awe of his own magnificent beauty. Anyone who intentionally looks at his reflection in the face of this mirror must make a Will save (DC 11) or be dazed indefinitely. The dazed condition ends only when the affected creature can no longer see his reflection (either because the mirror is broken or forcibly taken from him, or because it is too dark for him to see, etc.), or through a break enchantment spell, or more powerful magic.
Razor Rope
A cruel tool for binding prisoners, this dangerous rope glints in the light, revealing the hidden blades throughout its length. This 50-foot silk rope is inlaid with hundreds of tiny, razor-sharp blades. Attempting to use the razor rope causes 1d4 slashing damage every round it is handled without leather gloves or better. A creature bound with razor rope suffers 1d4 slashing damage in any round he attempts to free himself (though he does not suffer the damage on rounds that he does not attempt to free himself).
This prosthetic arm is obviously steel, and seems to be constantly moving or twitching slightly. It can be installed at the shoulder with a Heal check (DC 20). Installation takes 8 hours, and neither the installer nor the subject can perform any other activity while the strongarm is installed. In the event of a failed installation, the subject takes 4d6 slashing damage, though the strongarm is not damaged. A strongarm can only be installed on a creature that has lost an arm; if installed on a creature that still possesses all its arms, the strongarm hangs down uselessly. A properly installed strongarm functions in all ways as a normal arm, except as noted below.
A strongarm has a Strength score of 30. Use this Strength score to calculate any attack rolls, damage rolls, and combat maneuver checks made using only the strongarm; for all other purposes, the wielder uses his normal Strength score. This means a creature with one strongarm can only use the strongarm’s Strength score to calculate attack and damage rolls or CMB checks made with a one-handed weapon wielded in the strongarm. However, if a creature has two strongarms, he also uses the strongarm’s Strength score to calculate the attack and damage rolls or CMB checks he makes with a two-handed weapon.
A strongarm’s weight does not count against the total weight a creature can carry for the purposes of calculating encumbrance. Any affect that modifies your Strength does not affect the strongarm. The strongarm has AC 7, hardness 15 and 20 hp.
When a strongarm is used in combat, if a natural 1 is rolled, the strongarm goes berserk. The user cannot use any item being held by a berserking strongarm. A berserk strongarm uses the weapon it is holding, or a slam attack (1d8 +10 bludgeoning damage, critical modifier of x2), and attacks the user (the strongarm has an attack bonus of +15, plus any enhancement bonuses that may apply to any weapons it is wielding). This attack is made on the user’s turn, but does not prevent the user from taking a full round’s worth of action.
While berserking, the arm will also automatically attack any creature that provokes an attack of opportunity, and a berserking strongarm can make any number of attacks of opportunity in a round. The wielder can attempt to end the strongarm’s berserk state by making a Will save (DC 19) as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other than the strongarm.
Wayfinder's Chalk
Wayfinder's chalk is designed as a useful tool for the adventurer in a labyrinth or maze. This chalk perpetually gives off a pale blue light that can easily be seen (DC 0 Perception check) in low-light or darker conditions. The light is bright enough to read by if held up to a book, but is not bright enough to increase the light level in the area at all. Any drawings made by wayfinder’s chalk glow with the same intensity for 24 hours, after which they fade and are indiscernible from normal chalk. Anything that would remove a mark made by normal chalk also removes a mark made by wayfinder’s chalk.