

Courtly Items

April 10th, 2013

Marie Barnes

Magic Market Archive

            Hello and welcome to this week’s Magic Market, where we present flavorful options to spend your hard-earned gold on. This week I thought I would try to come up with some fabulous accessories that would not look out of place in a courtly setting. Though each of these items is sure to make you look like a well-bred person of status, each is also a worthwhile choice for the common adventurer. Perfect for giving you the edge in missions that may require you to shed your normal adventuring garb, these items should also be fun for surprising a rival in a royal court setting.

            Well, let's get to it! I present to you a few regal accessories.


Mantle of the Diplomat

Mantle of the Diplomat

            This mantel is made of a lush material and is tastefully bordered with tiny gemstones. The wearer of this garment is granted a +10 competence bonus to all Diplomacy checks, and can cast charm person as a spell-like ability at will. Finally, the wearer gains a limited ability to recover from any social faux pas she may make. Three times per day, she may cause all creatures within 60 feet that can see her to immediately forget the events of the last five minutes. This functions as though the memory of that time had been removed by a modify memory spell, except that it requires only a standard action. A successful Will save (DC 19) negates this effect.


Slippery Slippers

Slippery Slippers

            These red slippers are lightly decorated with gold scrollwork and shape themselves to perfectly and comfortably fit the feet of any wearer. The wearer of these slippers gains a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. Further, twice per day, she can move through shadows, as the shadow step spell. Finally, twice per week, the wearer can teleport herself to the last place she slept, as the spell greater teleport.


Sound Capture Brooch

Sound Capture Brooch

            No two sound capture brooches look the same. They are, however, always made of a precious metal and often subtly feature an engraving of a songbird.

            With a command word, the wearer of a sound capture brooch can cause it to begin recording the sounds around it for up to 15 minutes (a second command word ceases the recording). The brooch’s “hearing” for the purposes of this effect functions as though it had a +4 bonus on Perception checks.

            A third command word can cause the brooch to replay the sound that it recorded. A sound capture brooch can only hold one recorded sound at any given time, and once the sound is played back once, the recording is lost.


Spell Bead Necklace

Spell Bead Necklace

            A spell bead necklace is comprised of either a gold or silver chain with 5 very small gems dangling from it. The middle gemstone is always the only one of its type on the necklace and is bordered by a two pairs of different gemstones (e.g., from left to right, a necklace might feature a pattern of obsidian, amethyst, diamond, amethyst, obsidian). As a standard action, the wearer of the necklace can bite off and swallow a gem to gain a variety of spell effects. Each gem and its corresponding spell effect is listed below.

            Ruby: dragon's breath
            Emerald: beast shape II
            Sapphire: ride the waves
            Diamond: greater invisibility
            Opal: stoneskin
            Amethyst: shadow projection
            Obsidian: greater darkvision


Venomous Hair Ribbon

Venomous Hair Ribbon
            These hair ribbons have a smooth, scaly texture and can come in a variety of colors natural to snakes. To activate this item, the wearer must simply throw it on the ground and utter a command word.   Upon activation, the ribbon undergoes rapid division, turning into a writhing mass of tiny snakes the same color as the ribbon they originated from.

            These snakes are treated as a venomous snake swarm (see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3), which follow the commands of the creature that activated this ability. The swarm lasts for 1 minute, or until dismissed or dispersed, whichever comes first. At the end of this time, the snakes converge on each other and turn back into the hair ribbon. This ability can only be activated once every 24 hours.