Hello everyone, and welcome to another exciting edition of Magic Market, where we bring you new magic items each and every week. This week is fiend week here at Necromancers of the Northwest, a weeklong celebration of our extraordinary release, The Deluxe Guide to Fiend Summoning and Faustian Bargains. If you recently bought a copy, then likely you are as excited about it as we are, and are hoping for some cool new items to support the book. As for those of you who are still waiting to purchase your copy of the book, you will no doubt want some cool items to use in the meantime. To that end, I’ve created a handful of new staves that will be useful for all characters, and specifically interest those of you with your own copy of The Deluxe Guide to Fiend Summoning and Faustian Bargains.
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 45,400 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Construction Requirements Craft Staff, enlarge person, reduce person, beast shape I, contagion, waves of fatigue; Cost 22,700 gp
A staff of body appears as a red iron staff of moderate length and is often decorated with images of muscular humanoids with demonic features. Very occasionally, these staves bear the names, seals, or images of fiends who can grant boons of the body.
A staff of body allows use of the following spells:
Additionally, a staff of body can be used to smite a character with a horrible burning pox.
This requires a melee touch attack which, if successful, causes the target to become fatigued and sickened for 1d4 rounds. Using this ability reduces the number of charges a staff of body has by 1.
Finally, a staff of body can be used as a ritual component for binding rituals. If it is, and the fiend being summoned offers one or more body boons, the Binding DC for that binding ritual is increased by +2.
Aura strong necromancy; CL 17th
Slot none; Price 80,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Construction Requirements Craft Staff, phantasmal killer, power word kill, ray of enfeeblement; Cost 40,000 gp
A staff of death appears as a black iron staff of moderate length and is often decorated with images of skeletal humanoids with demonic features. Very occasionally, these staves bear the names, seals, or images of fiends who can grant boons of death.
A staff of death allows use of the following spells:
Additionally, a staff of death can be used to temporarily revive a corpse to fight for you.
This requires the wielder to touch a corpse as a standard action. The corpse is then returned to life with the zombie template for 1d4 rounds before falling lifeless again. A zombie created in this way obeys the wielder’s spoken commands. Any given corpse can only be affected by a given staff of death in this way once.
Finally, a staff of death can be used as a ritual component for binding rituals. If it is, and the fiend being summoned offers one or more death boons, the Binding DC for that binding ritual is increased by +2.
Aura strong enchantment; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 32,500 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Construction Requirements Craft Staff, charm monster, charm person, dominate person, eagle’s splendor; Cost 16,250 gp
A staff of influence appears as a white iron staff of moderate length and is often decorated with images of clever looking humanoids with demonic features. Very occasionally these staves bear the names, seals, or images of fiends who can grant boons of the body.
A staff of influence allows use of the following spells:
Additionally, a staff of influence can be used to greatly increase the wielder’s personal magnetism. By expending 1 or more charges from the staff, the wielder can gain a bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks equal to twice the number of charges expended in this way. These bonuses last for a number of minutes equal to the number of charges expended in this way.
Finally, a staff of influence can be used as a ritual component for binding rituals. If it is, and the fiend being summoned offers one or more influence boons, the Binding DC for that binding ritual is increased by +2.
Likely those of you who own a copy of The Deluxe Guide to Fiend Summoning and Faustian Bargains will no doubt be thinking that there are 4 other kinds of boons offered by demons. This is true, and associated staves will follow in an article next week, so be sure to check back for more!