Today we’re bringing the heat with a trio of fire-themed magic items. I’d tell you all about them, but frankly I can’t stand the heat, so I’m going to step aside and let you check out these sizzling hot pieces of treasure.
Slot shoulders; CL 5th; Weight 1 lb.
Aura faint varies
These cloaks are typically black on the outside and bright red on the inside, and are often adorned with a bright red image of a flaming bat on the back. The wearer gains fire resistance 5 for as long as the cloak is worn. Further, he can breathe and see through smoke without difficulty (though this does not grant him protection from other things that may interfere with his breathing or sight, such as inhaled poisons or an obscuring mist spell). Finally, on command, the wearer can produce three fire shuriken from within the cloak, as the spell fiery shuriken (UC).
Construction Requirements Cost 13,875 gpCraft Wondrous Item, alter self, flaming shuriken, resist energy
Slot shield; CL 7th; Weight 45 lbs.
Aura moderate evocation
These +1 tower shields are often charred black and coated with soot, and are often made of cast iron. Three times per day, on command, the wielder of a flame barrier shield can cause it to transform into a wall of flame. This functions as a wall of fire spell, except that the wall or ring of fire that is created must pass through at least one edge of the square that the wielder was in when the ability was activated, and the wall of fire remains in place until the shield’s command word is spoken. If the effect is dispelled, the shield simply returns to normal.
None of the flame barrier shield’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +1-equivalent shield for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.
Construction Requirements Cost 12,020 gpCraft Magic Arms and Armor, wall of fire
Slot head; CL 15th; Weight 1 lb.These unusual masks are often garishly decorated in bright red, yellow, and orange, and almost always have a fire motif. As long as the mask is worn, the wearer ignores the first 50 points of fire damage that he would suffer each round. Further, for every 2 points of fire damage prevented in this way, the wearer gains 1 temporary hit point, which lasts for 1 minute. These temporary hit points stack with each other, but not with other sources of temporary hit points. If the wearer suffers more than 50 points of fire damage in a round, the mask has no effect on any damage beyond the first 50 points, even if the damage comes from multiple attacks or sources.
Construction Requirements Cost 30,000 gpCraft Wondrous Item, resist energy