What’s better than a tower shield? A magical tower shield! What’s better than a magical tower shield? A cheap magical tower shield! Many would-be tower shield users are turned off by some of the difficulties involved in owning one; even characters who get the proficiency might be less than inclined to actually pick up one of these small metal walls, and characters without the proficiency certainly won’t be looking at one, and all that’s a shame. So I created a handful of new low-cost magical tower shields to get your characters armed up with them.
Slot none; CL 5th; Weight 45 lbs.
Aura faint abjuration
A bulwark of defense, this humongous shield is forged from a single piece of iron into a disk which stretches from the wielder’s shoulders to below her knees. A single glyph, shaped like a bear claw, glows blue with obvious magic on the front of this shield.
In addition to functioning as a +1 tower shield, an interposing tower shield can be used to defend the user’s allies. When the wielder of an interposing tower shield uses it to gain total cover, he can choose to extend its protective energy, providing total cover to adjacent allies who are not on the opposite side of the edge chosen to provide cover. Additionally, some since of the shield’s magic is always active, and the wielder of an interposing tower shield provides regular cover, rather than soft cover, against attacks made through him.
Some of an interposing tower shield’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +2-equivalent weapon for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.
Construction Requirements Cost 2,180 gpCraft Magic Arms and Armor, shield
Slot none; CL 5th; Weight 15 lbs.
Aura faint transmutation
This massive wooden shield is covered on one side with a thin layer of silvered iron, and the side facing the wearer is engraved with intricate marks of apparent arcane significance. Despite its great size and obviously sturdy construction materials, this shield is wondrously light, and able to be easily maneuvered by a strong individual.
In addition to functioning as a +1 tower shield, a quick tower shield can be used to gain total cover as a move action, rather than a standard action. Additionally, once per day, the wielder of this shield can choose to gain total cover as a swift action, rather than a move action.
Some of a quick tower shield’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +2-equivalent weapon for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities..
Construction Requirements Cost 2,180 gpCraft Magic Arms and Armor, haste
Slot none; CL 5th; Weight 45 lbs.
Aura faint transmutation
This great shield is made from a single piece of fine steel, sharpened to a cutting edge. The surface of the shield is covered in Dwarven script, reciting a tale of the triumph of dwarven warriors over orcs and goblinoids.
In addition to functioning as a +1 tower shield, a tower shield of blades is made to allow the user to attack. If the wielder whispers “kill” in Dwarven to the shield as a swift action, the shield warps, becoming thin and light, allowing the wielder to make a special improved shield bash with the shield, which deals 1d10 points of slashing damage on a successful hit. A tower shield of blades can gain the bashing magic shield special ability. A tower shield of blades becomes somewhat less useful as a defensive implement when used to bash. In any round in which the wielder makes an attack with a tower shield of blades, the shield cannot be used to gain total cover that round, and the shield’s armor class bonus is reduced by 1. Finally, a tower shield of blades has a subtle property about it which makes it easier to make weapon attacks, and for every 2 points of enchantment bonus the shield possesses, the penalty to attack rolls for wielding a tower shield is reduced by 1.
Some of a tower shield of blades’ unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +3-equivalent weapon for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.
Construction Requirements Cost 4,680 gpCraft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge