

Sundry Shields

May 4th, 2016

Alex Riggs

Magic Market Archive

                Shields may not be the most exciting magic items in the world. They’re just not as sexy as weapons, or even armor, and lots of characters don’t even bother using them. But they have the potential to be lots of fun, just like anything else with a little magic involved in its creation. I hope that you’ll enjoy today’s collection of magic shields.


SACRFICIAL SHIELD                     PRICE 4,170 gp
Slot shield; CL 5th; Weight 15 lbs.
Aura faint abjuration

                These +1 heavy steel shields are made of a transparent material that can be seen through as though it were glass, but is as hard as steel. Most are engraved with images of guardian angels or other protectors standing ready to take a blow for the wielder. Whenever the wielder of a sacrificial shield would have a critical hit confirmed on her, that hit deals no damage, and the sacrificial shield shatters harmlessly in a shower of useless shards. Once destroyed in this way, a sacrificial shield loses all magical properties, even if it is put back together via make whole or similar magic.
                None of a sacrificial shield’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +1-equivalent shield for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.

Construction Requirements       Cost 2,170 gp

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield


WASP’S NEST SHIELD                   PRICE 25,157 gp
Slot shield; CL 5th; Weight 10 lbs.
Aura faint conjuration

                This +2 heavy wooden shield is riddled with small holes, and emits a very faint but persistent buzzing sound when held. Three times per day, as a full-round action, the wielder can conjure a wasp swarm, which begins attacking his enemies and remains for 1 minute or until dispersed. The wasp swarm never harms the wielder, but it has no regard for the wielder’s allies, who may suffer its swarm damage if they are near the wasp swarm’s chosen targets. The wielder does not have direct control over the wasp swarm’s actions.
                Additionally, whenever a creature deals at least 5 points of damage to the wasp’s nest shield, a wasp swarm is conjured and attacks the creature that dealt the damage, or, if the damage was caused by an environmental hazard, trap, or otherwise not caused by a creature, the wasp swarm attacks the nearest creature or creatures. When conjured in this way, the wasp swarm does not spare the wielder damage (and may actively attack him, if he was the one who damaged the shield).
                None of a wasp’s nests shield’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +2-equivalent shield for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.

Construction Requirements       Cost 12,657 gp

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon swarm


WATCHER’S SHIELD                     PRICE 40,170 gp
Slot shield; CL 7th; Weight 15 lbs.
Aura moderate divination

                This +5 heavy steel shield is crafted in a perfect circle, with a single large green gemstone set in the center, and typically no other features. Originally crafted by an order of knights dedicated to complete and total honesty, these shields grant the wielder a number of powers to aid in identifying falsehood. First, the wielder gains a competence bonus on Sense Motive checks equal to the watcher’s shield’s enhancement bonus. Additionally, the gem in the center of the shield flashes with a bright light whenever someone within 60 feet of it speaks a deliberate falsehood, and is constantly lit with a dim light as long as there are any illusion spells or effects active within 60 feet of the shield. The wielder is able to see the gem’s light even if he is holding the shield so that it faces away from him.
                None of a watcher’s shield’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +5-equivalent shield for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.

Construction Requirements       Cost 20,170 gp

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, detect magic, discern lies