

Peaceful Protection

August 24th, 2016

Joshua Zaback

Magic Market Archive

It’s Peace Week here at Necromancers of the Northwest, because frankly, with all that goes on around us, we need a little break from the violence and malice that seems to dominate the real world. For most games, combat is paramount. After all, violence against imaginary goblins is a pretty acceptable way to vent your frustrations and feel like a hero without having to hurt anyone. Even so, sometimes it’s best to try to find some kind of nonviolent solution to your character’s problems. Not only can finding a peaceful solution for a bad situation make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it can also provide a fun challenge and help to elevate your game. Unfortunately, sometimes peace can be a little hard to come by; that’s why we’re bringing you some great items to help you avoid combat, but are still useful in the off chance that things go wrong.


SHIELD OF THE DOVE                 PRICE 4,970 gp
Slot shield; CL 15th; Weight 15 lbs.
Aura strong transmutation

                These large round shields are a soothing blue in color and feature the image of a ring of small white birds arranged around the shield’s edge. Designed to prevent combat, these shields have the power to destroy weapons that they come into contact with, in the hopes that taking away the means to fight will reduce violence.

                In addition to functioning as a +1 heavy steel shield, a shield of the dove can convert deadly weapons into far less harmful beautiful doves. Once per day, when an attack misses the wearer of this shield, she may activate the shield’s magic as an immediate action. If she does, the weapon which made the attack must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 22) or be transformed into a harmless dove for 24 hours, as though with the spell polymorph any object. Typically, the behavior of a dove created in this way will reflect the actions of the transformed weapon’s owner: if the owner takes good care of their weapon, the dove remains near the owner and is affectionate, but owners who abuse their weapons may experience the dove flying away. If the dove is attacked, it will try to flee. If the dove is slain, the effect immediately ends, and the weapon gains the broken condition. Magical weapons can only be affected by this effect if their enhancement bonus is less than the enhancement bonus of a shield of the dove.

                None of a shield of the dove’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +1 shield for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.

Construction Requirements       Cost 2,570 gp

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, polymorph any object


SHIELD OF THE SAINTS                              PRICE 100,170 gp
Slot shield; CL 20th; Weight 15 lbs.
Aura strong transmutation

                This kite-like shield was originally said to have been gifted to a great saint by his god, though the identities of both are long since lost to time. According to legends, the saint stood against the armies of a great and violent horde of barbarian warriors, and though they each attacked him, he did not strike back. Instead, he spoke with such conviction that the horde cast down their arms and joined the saint in prayer.

                A +5 heavy steel shield, a shield of the saint is considered cursed by some, for so long as it is worn, the wearer cannot make attacks or cast spells with a saving throw denoted as other than harmless. He does, however, gain an additional +5 dodge bonus to AC while wielding the shield, and a +20 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks made against hostile creatures.

                None of a shield of the saint’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +5 shield for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.

Construction Requirements       Cost 50,170 gp

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, eagle’s splendor, sanctuary


Slot shield; CL 17th; Weight 45 lbs.
Aura strong necromancy

                A tower shield made of a composite of gold and silver, these beautifully made shields were rumored to have been crafted by angels, who worried that the struggles on the mortal realm would be the undoing of all the gods’ work. Though the shields ended many primordial conflicts, eventually they were all stolen away by a stone demon who could not hear the shield’s sweet music.

                In addition to functioning as a +1 tower shield, a shield of the soothing voice can be commanded to emit a soothing song that cools hot heads and causes all those who hear it to lay down their arms and come to heel. As a full-round action, the wearer of one of these shields can cause the shield to begin singing. Any character that hears the song must succeed on a Will save (DC 22 + the shield’s enhancement bonus, typically DC 23), or succumb to the song, causing him to lose all violent thoughts, drop any held weapons, and approach the wearer of the shield as though lured by a sympathy effect. Upon reaching the shield’s wearer, he remains under the song’s effects for 1 minute, allowing for negotiations to take place. The wearer of this shield can use this ability a number of times each day equal to 3 + the shields enhancement bonus.

                If the wearer of this shield or his allies attack a character that has been affected by this ability, the shield’s soothing song turns to a horrible shriek, and affects the wielder and his allies as though with the spell wail of the banshee (Fortitude save DC 23 + the shield’s enhancement bonus, typically 24) for each attack made while the target is so affected.

                None of a shield of the soothing voice’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +1 shield for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.

Construction Requirements       Cost 60,170 gp

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, sympathy, wail of the banshee