Welcome to a special guest Masters and Minions. As you’re probably aware, this article is usually written by Justin Holloway, but he’s been real busy lately, so I stepped in to help him out and make sure that you got your weekly article.
Today’s Masters and Minions features Yrtie, the kobold entrepreneur. Yrtie recently built a small bridge (10 feet wide and 50 feet long) across a river just large enough to be difficult to cross. The bridge is very convenient, and Yrtie has made a small fortune in tolls for crossing the bridge. Though it is his bridge, the toll isn’t very steep (only 5 sp per person per crossing), and he has every legal right to charge a toll, he has discovered that many people—especially adventuring types—consider themselves entitled to attack any kobold charging a toll for crossing a bridge. So he installed a trap in the middle of the bridge, and only disables it for those who pay.
Bridge Trapdoor Trap CR 3
Type mechanical; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 28
Trigger location; Reset automatic (the trapdoor closes again automatically)
Effect The character falls 10 feet into the water below. The current moves the characters downstream at a rate of 90 feet per round, and the water is rough and choppy, requiring a DC 15 Swim check to move through the water (all characters in a 10-foot square).
Should the PCs choose to fight Yrtie, his stats are represented below. He has no interest in combat, and will grovel or flee if attacked by the PCs. He only fights back if it looks like the PCs plan to kill him.