Welcome again to Masters and Minions, where I strive to give you interesting NPCs and encounters that can be placed easily into your game. This week’s encounter is with a rather unique little goblin by the name of Glib. Glib, once just a lowly goblin, was taken in by a kind-hearted old noble who decided to spare the goblin’s life after Glib’s failed attack on his carriage, and then decided to take on the daunting task of attempting to civilize this lowly wretch. It has been many years since the noble took in Glib and his progress was remarkable; though he is still rather uncouth, he now enjoys his meals cooked rather than raw, on more than one occasion has actually eaten with utensils, and only occasionally violently assaults gnomes. The noble, very old and without a competent heir to bestow his wealth on after his death, decided to leave his entire fortune to Glib, the goblin he took in so many years ago. When the old man’s family learned of this, they were furious, but were powerless to stop the old man’s wishes.
Since the old man’s death, Glib has somehow managed to not completely ruin his old mentor’s estate; Glib managed this by leaving most of the affairs of running the estate to the noble’s former butler.
The butler and the noble’s family have grown tired of the frivolous way Glib has been spending the family fortune, however, and have now begun to think of ways of getting Glib out of the picture. Their most recent attempt is hiring a group of adventurers to slay Glib while he is heading in to town.
When Glib goes to town, he rides in his old master’s old carriage, the same one he tried to attack so many years ago, and since goblins aren’t really welcomed openly in town he keeps two to four of the estate’s guards and his mangy pet goblin dog, Fluffy, with him at all times. These guards protect Glib as long as he keeps paying them. Fluffy tends to stay inside the carriage as long as they are in town.
Glib’s Tactics
Over the years, Glib has become a fun-loving goblin and would rather try to talk his way out of a fight, if possible, than resort to actual combat (though he isn’t very good at it). Since becoming rich, he has taken to attempting to pay off would-be attackers, usually offering an amount of gold that is twice what would normally deter an attacker. If throwing money at the problem doesn’t work, he orders his guards to attack while he stays back and attacks at a range with his recently purchased darkwood shortbow. If his guards are slain, he again attempts to bride his opponents, and if that again fails, he switches to his prized mithral rapier (a sword once wielded by his master in youth).
Glib, Goblin Noble
This small green humanoid looks out of place wearing his fancy noble’s outfit and adorned with many pieces of gold jewelry; most of this jewelry is much too big for him, being made to be worn by larger people.
Civilized (Ex)
Glib is a “civilized” goblin, granting him passing knowledge of local customs and proper etiquette. Knowledge (Local) and Knowledge (Nobility) are treated as class skills and Glib can make skill checks with those skills even if he is untrained, albeit at a -2 penalty. Additionally, he gains a +2 racial bonus to all Diplomacy skill checks.
Gentleman Fighter (Ex)
Glib has been taunt to fight like a noble, granting him a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls and Bluff checks made to feint with an elegant light or finesse weapon, such as the rapier or the elven curve blade. Additionally, Glib gains the Improved Feint feat as a bonus feat, even though he doesn’t qualify.
Old Habits Die Hard (Ex)
Glib sometimes has a hard time behaving in polite company, reverting back to old goblin habits at inopportune moments. While in formal company, Glib must make a DC 10 Will save every 1d4 minutes or begin acting like a goblin slob. While behaving like a slob, he receives a -10 penalty to all Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Nobility), and Sense Motive checks. These episodes usually only last about 1d4 minutes.
Fluffy, Glib’s Faithful Hound
This mangy beast has no right to be called “fluffy,” having lost most of its hair to various skin ailments that are common to goblin dogs.
Allergic Reaction (Ex)
A goblin dog's dander is highly irritating to all creatures, except those with the goblinoid subtype. A non-goblinoid creature damaged by a goblin dog's bite, who deals damage to a goblin dog with a natural weapon or unarmed attack, or who otherwise comes into contact with a goblin dog (including attempts to grapple or ride the creature) must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or break out in an itching rash. A creature affected by this rash takes a –2 penalty to Dexterity and Charisma for 1d4 hours (multiple allergic reactions do not stack). Remove disease or any magical healing removes the rash instantly. This is a disease effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Loyal Companion (Ex)
Fluffy’s loyalty to Glib grants the pair a strong connection much like the bond between a druid and her animal companion. Fluffy is considered to have the link animal companion special ability for the purposes of Handle Animal checks made by Glib, except he doesn’t receive the +4 bonus to Handle Animal checks.
Well Fed (Ex)
Since Fluffy has been getting regular meals everyday, he has become much stronger, faster, and tougher than other goblin dogs. Fluffy gains a +2 bonus to his Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores and a +10-foot bonus to his land speed, as long as he gets fed regularly.
Well Groomed (Ex)
Since the caretakers of the estate have begun to give Fluffy regular baths, his irritating dander has become less of a nuisance to non-goblinoids. The penalty to Dexterity and Charisma caused by Fluffy’s dander only lasts for 1d4 hours instead of a whole day. Additionally, creatures affected by Fluffy’s dander get a cumulative +2 to bonus to their Fortitude saves to resist the allergic reaction for each additional time they have been subject to it in a 24-hour period, and the rash can be alleviated with a DC 15 Heal check in addition to the previous methods of relieving the rash.
Well Trained (Ex)
Fluffy knows the following tricks: Attack (will attack even unnatural creatures), Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, and Stay. Additionally, all Handle Animal skill checks made to teach Fluffy a new trick receive a -4 penalty.
Estate Guard
These men in scale mail armor look like they would rather be anywhere but here right now, and they give their goblin employer dirty looks when he isn’t looking.