

We Sell Sanctuary

June 21st, 2017

Josh Zaback

Magic Market Archive

It’s sanctuary week here at Necromancers of the Northwest and that means we are here to keep you safe from danger. Safety is a rare and treasured gift for an adventurer, and tragically, it does not come cheaply, as this article illustrates. We’ve got three new classically protective items to keep you safe from harm and ward off danger. So if security is your concern, please go ahead and peruse the shelves, for we are here to sell you some protection.


Slot armor; CL 1st; Weight 30 lbs.
Aura faint abjuration

 This shimmering steel breastplate is highly reflective so as to allow attackers to see the look of bloodlust and malice on their faces and reconsider their actions, lest they commit to violence without consideration. Though highly reflective, these plates are far from plain, including thousands of subtle engravings of doves, roses, olives, and other symbols of peace.
These wondrous +3 breastplates carry a potent charm that protects the wearer from weapons. Whenever the wearer of an arms-warding breastplate is dealt damage by a manufactured weapon, that weapon’s owner may not attack the wearer of the arms-warding breastplate with that weapon until the end of the attacker’s next turn.
None of an arms-warding breastplate’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +3-equivalent armor for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.

Construction Requirements       Cost 30,350 gp

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, sanctuary


SAINT’S PLATE                                                PRICE 125,650 gp
Slot armor; CL 1st; Weight 50 lbs.
Aura faint abjuration

Exquisitely made from a steel-gold alloy, this exemplary suit of full plate has a pale champagne color and is emblazoned with the holy symbol of one or more good-aligned deities associated with peace and friendly contact. The armor is exceedingly comfortable and seems to embrace the wearer, filling her with a sense of complete confidence in its protective power.
This suit of +5 adamantine full plate greatly enhances the wearer’s natural force of personality and projects it as a holy aura that prevents foes from striking first. Firstly, the wearer gains a +4 enhancement bonus to her Charisma score while she wears the armor. Additionally, any creature that has not been attacked by the wearer in the last 24 hours must succeed on a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the wearer’s Hit Dice + the wearer’s Charisma modifier) in order to attack the wearer or target the wearer with spells with a saving throw entry denoted as other than harmless. Finally, the wearer gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made to resist area spells and effects produced by characters who have not succeeded on their saving throw, so long as the spell or effect has a saving throw denoted as other than harmless. A character that succeeds on this saving throw ignores these effects for 24 hours.
None of a saint plate’s unique abilities count as an enhancement bonus equivalent, and it is treated as a +5-equivalent armor for the purposes of the cost of further improving its magical abilities.

Construction Requirements       Cost 63,650 gp

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, sanctuary


SHIELD OF ABEYANCE                                PRICE 70,157 gp
Slot -; CL 1st Weight 10 lbs.
Aura faint abjuration

 Made from a single piece of ancient white ash, these wooden shields are far stronger than their weathered appearance implies. Each one is carved with 12 tiny warding inscriptions, unique to the shield’s individual crafter and written in 12 different languages. When the command word is spoken and the shield presented, the runic phrases glow with a powerful white light.
In addition to functioning as a +5 heavy wooden shield, a shield of abeyance can be used to ward off attackers. By speaking a command word and presenting the shield strongly (a standard action), the shield’s wielder can force a single creature within 30 feet to succeed on a Will save (DC 20) or be unable to attack or commit hostile actions for 1 round. Even a character that succeeds on his saving throw suffers a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round; this penalty is doubled for attacks against the shield’s wielder.

Construction Requirements       Cost 35,157 gp

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, sanctuary