Last week, we introduced you to the gog, the latest and greatest race when it comes to playing a fiend. This week, we’d like you to get to know their larger, somewhat meaner cousins, the magogs. Enjoy!
This creature is vaguely humanoid, with curled ram-like horns and pointed elf ears. Its legs end in cloven hooves, and its skin is a dark blood red. In its hand a ball of pure flame appears, and it smiles cruelly, showing its many pointed, needle-sharp teeth.
XP 800
LE, NE, or CE Medium outsider (extraplanar, evil)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 30 (4d10+8)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +0
Defensive Abilities fire eater; Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +7 (1d6+3)
Ranged throw flame +7 touch (3d6 fire)
Special Attacks hellish rebuke, sulfur bomb
Str 17, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 20
Feats Combat Reflexes, Power Attack
Skills Bluff +9, Climb +10, Intimidate +9, Perception +6, Stealth +10
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal
Environment any
Organization solitary, pair, or cabal (3-13)
Treasure double
Fire Eater (Ex): A magog is not just immune to fire, but actually derives energy from flames. Whenever a magog would suffer fire damage, it instead gains a number of temporary hit points equal to 1/2 the amount of fire damage it would have suffered. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute, and stack with other temporary hit points gained by this ability. If the magog has at least 10 temporary hit points granted by this ability, it gains a +4 enhancement bonus to its Strength and Dexterity scores.
Hellish Rebuke (Su): Magogs delight in exploiting any openings their opponents leave for them in combat. Whenever they make an attack of opportunity, they deal an additional 1d4 points of fire damage. Additionally, once per round, when a creature successfully damages a magog with a melee attack, the magog can make an attack of opportunity against the attacking creature. The magog suffers a -4 penalty on this attack.
Sulfur Bomb (Su): As a standard action, a magog can conjure and throw a tightly-packed ball of sulfur and brimstone. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 15 feet, and a maximum range of 120 feet. If the attack hits, the ball of sulfur explodes, filling the target’s square with choking fumes. This provides that character with concealment (20% miss chance), but also gives all other creatures concealment from him, unless he can see in smoke or similar conditions. Further, the target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be nauseated for 1 round. The nausea is a poison effect. The saving throw DC is Charisma-based.
Throw Flame (Su): A magog can conjure a ball of flames in its hand and throw it as a single standard action. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 15 feet, and a maximum range of 120 feet. If the attack hits, it deals 3d6 points of fire damage to the target.
As their name implies, magogs are closely related to gogs, and are also a race of fiendish, vaguely imp-like creatures. Many assume that magogs are a completely separate race from gogs, and envision the relationship between gogs and magogs as being similar to the relationship between goblins and hobgoblins or bugbears, but the truth of the matter is somewhat more complex.
At some point in their past, all magogs were once gogs. Magogs are not born directly, and they cannot reproduce. Instead, some gogs will spontaneously transform into magogs, becoming taller and leaner, losing their vestigial wings, and darkening their skin tone (magog skin colors range from bright red to dark purple or sometimes even black, as opposed to gogs, whose skin tones range from yellow to red). Exactly what causes this transformation is unknown. Many gogs believe that it is a curse inflicted by the extensive pantheon of dark gods and demonic princes that their race claims to worship, which is inflicted upon those who are untrue in their devotions. If this were accurate, there would be almost no gogs, but it remains possible that this fate is reserved for the worst offenders. Others believe that transforming into a magog is the natural end of a gog’s lifespan, rather than dying of old age, and still others claim that the change requires an infusion of dark energies.
Whatever the case, magogs and gogs get along very poorly, with gogs viewing their larger cousins as stupid and brutish, and magogs seeing the smaller gogs as weak and puny. Despite the great racial tension between these two groups, gogs and magogs are almost exclusively found in each other’s company, with whichever group is more numerous harshly oppressing the less numerous group.