

Exotic Encounters



Article Title
Megalomaniacal Template Alex Riggs 12/27/2018
Tokagemono Oni Alex Riggs 12/13/2018
Morphically Unstable Creature Alex Riggs 11/09/2018
Grave Hound Joshua Zaback 10/30/2018
Genie, Hamzad Alex Riggs 10/11/2018
Rabengeist Joshua Zaback 09/11/2018
Eternal Reveler Joshua Zaback 08/21/2018
Zilvogel Alex Riggs 08/14/2018
Corpse Tree Alex Riggs 07/26/2018
Praecantovore Alex Riggs 07/19/2018
Korrim Joshua Zaback 07/03/2018
Adaptatron Alex Riggs 06/21/2018
Meumuk Joshua Zaback 05/22/2018
Dragon Templates Joshua Zaback 05/15/2018
Treacherous Creature Template Alex Riggs 05/03/2018
Cauldron Gel Joshua Zaback 04/17/2018
Gandauvor Alex Riggs 03/22/2018
Bloodberry Vine Joshua Zaback 03/06/2018
Chodhalla Alex Riggs 1/30/2018
Chieftain Template Joshua Zaback 1/09/2018
Things to Find in Oozes Joshua Zaback 12/18/2017
Sol Knight Joshua Zaback 12/11/2017
Improved Improved Familiars Alex Riggs 12/04/2017
Shimmering Dragon Joshua Zaback 11/06/2017
Terasynchos Alex Riggs 10/29/2017
Unicorn NPCs Alex Riggs 10/23/2017
Mirror Lurker Joshua Zaback 10/16/2017
Hybrid Parts Alex Riggs 10/9/2017
Goliath Turtle Joshua Zaback 10/2/2017
Dino Templates Joshua Zaback 9/25/2017
Raven Lady Alex Riggs 9/4/2017
Spirit of the West Joshua Zaback 8/28/2017
Draconic Features Alex Riggs 8/21/2017
Insectile Creature Alex Riggs 8/14/2017
Unusual Dragons Alex Riggs 8/7/2017
Spirit Horse Joshua Zaback 8/7/2017
Fanged Eye Joshua Zaback 7/24/2017
Samjok-o Alex Riggs 7/17/2017
Construct Features Alex Riggs 6/26/2017
Greptrix Alex Riggs 6/19/2017
Observed Creature Joshua Zaback 6/12/2017
Moon Sprite Alex Riggs 6/5/2017
Giant NPCs Alex Riggs 5/29/2017
Ring Spirit Joshua Zaback 5/22/2017
Zombie Wounds Alex Riggs 5/15/2017
Typhon Joshua Zaback 5/8/2017
Eldritch Abomination Alex Riggs 4/17/2017
Gothic Monsters Alex Riggs 4/10/2017
Cinder Wyrm Joshua Zaback 4/3/2017
Insanitrix Alex Riggs 3/27/2017
Walking Flower Joshua Zaback 3/20/2017
Blotsphere Alex Riggs 3/13/2017
Rolling Scrapyard Alex Riggs 3/6/2017
Waizu Joshua Zaback 2/27/2017
Irafu Oni Alex Riggs 2/6/2017
Multi-Headed Dragon Alex Riggs 1/30/2017
Pollywoggle Joshua Zaback 1/23/2017
Aquamortis Joshua Zaback 1/16/2017
Collective Assault Drone Joshua Zaback 1/9/2017
Wolf-Child Joshua Zaback 1/2/2017
Magmin Alex Riggs 12/12/2016
Mephit Alex Riggs 12/05/2016
Emperor Colossus Joshua Zaback 11/28/2016
Skyhunter Joshua Zaback 11/07/2016
Toegedaemon Alex Riggs 10/31/2016
Trihorn Terror Joshua Zaback 10/24/2016
Urban Monster Feats Alex Riggs 10/17/2016
Thing Under the Bed Joshua Zaback 10/10/2016
Mountain Spirit Alex Riggs 10/03/2016
Origami Creature Alex Riggs 09/12/2016
Owl Sphinx Joshua Zaback 09/05/2016
Leidkolti Alex Riggs 08/29/2016
Mesolavitar Aeon Alex Riggs 08/22/2016
Corpse Feats Alex Riggs 08/15/2016
Fyrskygge Joshua Zaback 08/08/2016
Nyokhara Alex Riggs 08/01/2016
Ocean Hunger Joshua Zaback 07/25/2016
Qarin Alex Riggs 07/04/2016
Darouga Joshua Zaback 06/27/2016
Hoi-oi Alex Riggs 06/20/2016
Dread Flower Joshua Zaback 06/13/2016
Returned (Race) Joshua Zaback 06/06/2016
Deep Breaths (Feats) Alex Riggs 05/30/2016
Potion Beast Joshua Zaback 05/23/2016
Ooze Templates Joshua Zaback 05/02/2016
Caori (Race) Alex Riggs 04/25/2016
Open Wide (Feats) Joshua Zaback 04/18/2016
Iraxtar Devil Alex Riggs 04/11/2016
Falmoro Demon Joshua Zaback 04/04/2016
Faceless Lord Alex Riggs 03/28/2016
Erling Joshua Zaback 03/21/2016
Corite (Race) Alex Riggs 03/14/2016
Gem Haunt Joshua Zaback 02/22/2016
Flesh-Eating Beast Template Alex Riggs 02/15/2016
Gorligost Qlippoth Alex Riggs 02/08/2016
Super Size It (Feats) Joshua Zaback 02/01/2016
Clockwork Manticore Alex Riggs 01/25/2016
Berserk Creature Alex Riggs 01/18/2016
Faceless Dreamer Joshua Zaback 01/11/2016
House Sphinx Alex Riggs 01/04/2016
Hargo Leadtongue Alex Riggs 12/14/2015
The Totem Animal Joshua Zaback 12/07/2015
The Kindersnatch Joshua Zaback 11/30/2015
Druvella Norsk, Cult Leader Alex Riggs 11/23/2015
Nyth Joshua Zaback 11/2/2015
The Meghanada Alex Riggs 10/26/2015
Sir Robert Gleaning Joshua Zaback 10/19/2015
The Dragonvine Alex Riggs 10/12/2015
Shadespawn Alex Riggs 10/05/2015
Gorbrakul, Slayer King Alex Riggs 9/28/2015
The Haunted One Joshua Zaback 9/21/2015
The Skittering Worm-Beast Joshua Zaback 8/31/2015
The Semangat Alex Riggs 8/24/2015
Konikt Durst Alex Riggs 8/17/2015
The Nesserion Joshua Zaback 8/10/2015
The Magog Alex Riggs 8/03/2015
The Gog Joshua Zaback 7/27/2015
The Depiction Joshua Zaback 7/20/2015
The Angry Dead Alex Riggs 7/13/2015
The Mimic Gel Joshua Zaback 6/22/2015
The Caughnig Joshua Zaback 6/15/2015
Eridwin Aroica Joshua Zaback 6/8/2015
The Ishior Joshua Zaback 6/1/2015
The Adrasura Alex Riggs 5/25/2015
Luminous and Umbral Creatures Joshua Zaback 5/4/2015
Jann Shieldmate Alex Riggs 4/27/2015
The Blackhorn Joshua Zaback 4/20/2015
The Furnodaemon Alex Riggs 4/13/2015
The Dream Specter Alex Riggs 4/6/2015
Dacia Quinn Joshua Zaback 3/30/2015
The Artificial Clone Alex Riggs 3/23/2015
The Benthic Dragon Joshua Zaback 3/16/2015
Nicholas "One Nick" Dustrakov Alex Riggs 2/23/2015
The Bottle Oni Joshua Zaback 2/16/2015
The Formidon Joshua Zaback 2/9/2015
The Troll-Kin Alex Riggs 2/2/2015
Lord Darvoss Alex Riggs 1/26/2015
The Voice of Peace Joshua Zaback 1/19/2015
The Drolviss Alex Riggs 1/12/2015
The Grajik Alex Riggs 1/5/2015
The Skittering Behemoth Alex Riggs 12/11/2014
The Shadow Creeper Joshua Zaback 12/04/2014
The Rovilax Demon Alex Riggs 11/27/2014
Spellborn Joshua Zaback 11/20/2014
Elemental Overhaul Joshua Zaback 11/13/2014
The Autumn Dryad Joshua Zaback 11/06/2014
Selections From Cosmic Threats Joshua Zaback 10/23/2014
The Flamespit Alex Riggs 10/16/2014
The Runic Servant Alex Riggs 10/09/2014
The Giant Songbird Joshua Zaback 10/02/2014
The Juba Frog Alex Riggs 09/25/2014
The Mist Stalker Joshua Zaback 09/18/2014
The Sunborn Alex Riggs 09/11/2014
The Wyrm Snake Joshua Zaback 09/04/2014
The Cerebreon Alex Riggs 08/28/2014
The Raigor Alex Riggs 08/21/2014
The Sossivi Alex Riggs 08/14/2014
The Red Circle Alex Riggs 08/07/2014
The Shield Beetle Alex Riggs 07/17/2014
The Arthubel Joshua Zaback 07/10/2014
The Cosmic Ooze Joshua Zaback 07/03/2014
The Aegisphere Alex Riggs 06/26/2014
The Night Mist Joshua Zaback 06/19/2014
The Sewer Horror Alex Riggs 06/12/2014
The Xilth Joshua Zaback 06/05/2014
The Jungle Hagkin Joshua Zaback 05/29/2014
The Marsh Chimera Alex Riggs 05/08/2014
The Spring Hag Alex Riggs 05/01/2014
The Iktha'ar Alex Riggs 04/24/2014
The Training Dummy Joshua Zaback 04/17/2014
The Akori Joshua Zaback 04/10/2014
The Verdant Damnation Joshua Zaback 04/03/2014
The Gozar Alex Riggs 03/27/2014
The Sha'vani Alex Riggs 03/20/2014
The Spellbane Zombie Joshua Zaback 03/13/2014
Dark and Stormy Knights Alex Riggs 03/06/2014
The Gelfid Alex Riggs 02/27/2014
The Aryiogh Joshua Zaback 02/06/2014
The Karlitia Angel Joshua Zaback 01/30/2014
The Angler Chuul Alex Riggs 01/23/2014
The Nakani Joshua Zaback 01/16/2014
The Maw Demon Alex Riggs 01/09/2014