Welcome to Peace Week. Lately, it seems like you can’t turn on the news, or look anywhere online, without hearing about some new tragedy in the world, most of them horribly violent. Sometimes, it feels like we just need someone to come in, fix everything, and just make everyone get along. Of course, I’ve read enough books and watched enough TV to know that some benevolent overlord imposing peace and happiness on everyone might very well turn out pretty dystopian, and, as a matter of fact, it seems like it could make for an interesting encounter. So consider imposing a little peace on your game group, at least for a short while, with this week’s Exotic Encounter, the mesolavitar aeon.
Aeon, Mesolavitar
At first glance, this creature could almost pass for some kind of abstract representation of an angel, with a humanoid torso and two large wings, but its head has no face, and instead of legs it has two long, writhing tendrils of flesh, and its wings, although shaped in a way that resembles feathers, are simply smooth, unnaturally pale-white flesh, and do not seem to move as the creature glides through the air.
XP 38,400
N Large outsider (aeon, extraplanar)
Init +6; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +25
Aura enforced peace (120 ft., DC 25)
AC 27, touch 15, flat-footed 25 (+4 deflection, +2 Dex, +12 natural, −1 size)
hp 189 (18d10+90)
Fort +16, Ref +10, Will +15
Defensive Abilities militant pacifism; Immune cold, critical hits, poison; Resist electricity 10, fire 10; SR 25
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee 2 tentacles +22 (2d6+5 plus paralyzing touch)
Special Attacks emotion drain, mental communion
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +23)
At Will—calm emotions (DC 17), deep slumber (DC 18), sanctuary (other creatures only) (DC 16)
1/day—temporal stasis (DC 23)
Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 21
Base Atk +18; CMB +24; CMD 36
Feats Ability Focus (enforced peace aura), Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Persuasive, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +23, Diplomacy +30, Fly +18, Intimidate +36, Perception +25, Sense Motive +25, Stealth +16
Languages envisaging
SQ extension of all, void form
Environment any (Outer Planes)
Organization solitary, pair, or delegation (3−8)
Treasure standard
Emotion Drain (Sp): As a standard action, a mesolavitar can touch a creature with one of its tentacles in order to forcibly drain that creature of emotion. This functions as calm emotions, except that the duration is permanent. If hostile actions are taken against the creature, the effect is suppressed for 10 minutes, after which it resumes. This effect can be removed with break enchantment, dispel magic, remove curse, and similar effects. Each time it uses this ability, the mesolavitar is temporarily disturbed by the emotions it absorbs, rendering it sickened for 1d4 hours.
Enforced Peace Aura (Su): Creatures within 120 feet of a mesolavitar must succeed on a DC 25 Will save each time they attempt a hostile action, or they are unable to follow through, wasting the action (but not expending any resources, such as spell slots, magic item charges, and so on). Once a creature has succeeded on this saving throw at least once, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours. The mesolavitar is not affected by this ability, but if it takes any hostile actions, this aura is suppressed for 1 hour. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect, and the saving throw DC is Wisdom-based and contains a +2 bonus from Ability Focus.
Mental Communion (Su): A mesolavitar can act as a psychic conduit between two individuals, forcing them to see and comprehend the world from the viewpoint of another. As a standard action, the mesolavitar can touch two creatures, each of which must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher. If either creature is not willing, the mesolavitar must make a melee touch attack to touch that creature. Each creature is entitled to a Will save (DC 23) to resist the effect. If either creature succeeds on its Will save or is not touched, the attempt fails. Otherwise, the mesolavitar affects each creature as though with the spell share memoriesUM, except that each target experiences some of the other target’s memories (of the mesolavitar’s choosing), and multiple memories can be shown with each use, up to a total of one hour of memory per use of this ability.
Each target must then succeed on a secondary Will save (DC 23) or have their attitude toward the other target increase by one step (to a maximum of helpful). This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect, and unlike the initial Will save, if one creature succeeds on the save and the other does not, the one that failed is still affected. The saving throw DC is Wisdom-based.
Militant Pacifism (Ex): A mesolavitar is immune to any compulsion effect which would specifically prohibit it from performing hostile actions, such as sanctuary, or a forbid action(UM) spell for which “attack” was selected.
Paralyzing Touch (Su): A creature damaged by one of the mesolavitar’s tentacle attacks must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 24) or have their Strength score reduced by 1d3 for 1 hour. A creature whose Strength is reduced to 0 in this way is paralyzed for as long as her Strength score remains 0. The saving throw DC is Constitution-based.
Like many aeons, mesolavitars embody a specific dichotomy, two seemingly opposed elements that somehow manage to find harmony within the aeon. Mesolavitars, in particular, represent the dichotomy of peace through force, where the only way to ensure peace and avoid conflict is to use overwhelming force to oppress those who would disturb such peace. They travel the planes, acting as mediators and arbiters of conflict, putting an end to disputes. When possible, these enigmatic beings seem to prefer to bring about peace in ways that are as unobtrusive as possible, but if peace talks and negotiations fail, they will not hesitate to impose their will upon the combatants, psychically exposing them to the opposition’s point of view, and, in dire cases, even draining the very will to fight from them. In some cases, where even these dramatic attempts failed, mesolavitars have been known to simply kill all of the combatants on both sides, just to bring the conflict to an end.
There seems to be little rhyme or reason to which conflicts attract a mesolavitar’s attention, and while they certainly do not shy away from large military conflicts, on occasion they have been known to pass by raging warzones in order to intervene in family feuds, local politics, or even something as small as a personal one-on-one quarrel.